Overview of Internet of Behavior IoB

Chioma is an ethical hacker and systems engineer passionate about security. Apart from practicing offensive security, she believes in using her technical writing skills to educate readers about their security. Only time will tell if the Internet of Behaviors is the ultimate time saver, the ultimate marketing tool, or something far worse.

what is internet of behaviours (IoB)

Many experts define that implementing IoB into daily life lacks legality and structure. We also need to discuss how to organize the processes and how to make the use of IoB ethical. At the same time, IoB is a considerable step into the future, and solving a data privacy concern should be the priority for the industry. Nowadays, we have a lot of successful cases on implementing IoB, and their number can increase after ensuring data safety for all collected information. Government can use this data for goods, for example, to predict crime, terrorism, or provocations.

But the idea of ​​analyzing data received from consumers for business purposes is not new. In conclusion, the Internet of Behavior is a new communication protocol and ecosystem that promises to revolutionize the way we monitor, control and model human behavior. As this technology continues to evolve, it will become increasingly important for tech leaders to stay abreast of its development so they can leverage its potential benefits business innovations for their organizations. IoB allows businesses to have a deep understanding of their customers and clients which is essential for every business that wants to thrive. With almost 3 billion people set to experience IoB in various capacities, the technology is sure to have an impact on the future of service effectiveness. However, as IoB is still in its nascent stage, all we can do now is wait for it to unfold its potential.

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While some users are wary of providing their data, many others are happy to do so as long as it adds value – data-driven value. For companies, this means being able to change their image, market products more effectively to their customers or improve the Customer Experience of a product or service. Hypothetically, information can be collected on all facets of a user’s life, with the ultimate goal of improving efficiency and quality. The infusion of IoT is helping humans get various jobs done with just a click. Thanks to our smartphones and advancements in Internet connectivity around the world that is connecting more and more people to the Internet and to everything and everyone around us. From Google Home voice controller to August doorbell cam, Belkin WeMo smart light switch, Bitdefender BOX IoT security solution, etc. you can see IoT playing a vital role in our day-to-day lives.

what is internet of behaviours (IoB)

Of course, IoB does propose data security and privacy concerns, but we will always find a way to solve this problem and ensure the responsible use of the data. For example, both Facebook and Google are using the behavioral data of their users to display advertisements to the people accordingly. This is helping businesses in getting connected with their potential audience as well as track their behaviors towards their ads via click-through rate. 20 min read How to Outsource Web Development Projects Successfully As digital advances lead to a demonstration of their online presence, software development is a must, like outsourcing.

What Does The Future Hold For IoB?

Using this tool, you will gain a deep understanding of your customers, which is necessary for every business. Cybercrimes are at an all-time high, and hackers can access sensitive data on customers’ behaviors. Moreover, they can access property codes, delivery routes, banking codes, and so on. Let’s explore further how these advantages can be leveraged with IoB for human behavior monitoring, control and modeling. BMC works with 86% of the Forbes Global 50 and customers and partners around the world to create their future.

what is internet of behaviours (IoB)

Search industries, Applications, technologies, solutions, articles and more. Do you often instantly get a request from the restaurant you just left to drop a review on Google or Yelp? This is the same logic Uber applies to find out about their customers’ experiences and develop better strategies to cater to them. For example, IoB is valuable for the medical field, helping healthcare providers assess patients’ conditions, response to treatments, and other information related to their lifestyle.

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From positively engaging customers, knowing where the customer’s interest in a product begins, their journey of purchase, and the methodology they use to make their purchase; there are many aspects of IoB. Moreover, it provides real-time notifications, targeting and resolving problems quickly to close sales and keep customers satisfied. This data mining combines data analytics and behavioral science. Devices related to location, facial recognition, and more can essentially act as guides to mapping customer behavior. IoB can be used as the ultimate marketing and sales tool in order to get an in-depth personalized understanding of the clients they have been striving for. Internet of Behaviors and Internet of Things provide a set of opportunities for healthcare providers to manage patients using specific applications.

  • Data collection (BI, Big Data, CDPs, etc.) provides valuable information about customer behaviours, interests and preferences, and this has been referred to as the Internet of Behaviour .
  • We cannot control or be held responsible for third parties’ privacy practices and content.
  • This capability would help banks gain better clarity on their customers’ spending patterns via IoT-enabled devices.
  • Companies will hire people with expertise in behavioral psychology and data science to analyze and create new marketing strategies.
  • As more people enter the IoB landscape, the more susceptible they will be to online scammers.
  • With almost 3 billion people set to experience IoB in various capacities, the technology is sure to have an impact on the future of service effectiveness.

IoB then refers to a process by which user-controlled data is analysed through a behavioural psychology perspective. With the results of that analysis, it informs new approaches to designing a user experience , search experience optimisation , and how to market the end products and services offered by companies. Consequently, for a company to conduct IoB is technically simple, but psychologically complex. It requires statistical studies to be conducted that map everyday habits and behaviours without fully disclosing consumer privacy for ethical and legal reasons. This evolving technology is going to prove beneficial in multiple ways.

What Does Internet of Behaviors (IoB) Mean?

To optimize the in-app browsing experience, the app continuously learns and studies the data to provide personalized hotel destination suggestions. Remember when China introduced its social credit score system that keeps track of how its citizens behave and assigns scores based on their behavior? IoB can be a powerful tool to leverage sales and marketing to create effective strategies that make a difference in what is offered to consumers. But that is not it — other industry niches are also benefiting from it. The IoT itself isn’t inherently problematic; a lot of people like having their devices synced and get benefits and convenience from this setup. Instead, the concern is how we gather, navigate, and use the data, particularly at scale.

Our client GreenRoad needed a reliable outsourcing partner to continue developing GreenRoad’s web service for 3PL operators to improve fleet costs, productivity, and fleet safety. Test the campaign effectiveness and improve it based on the insights. Analyze the purchasing behavior and habits of your clients across different platforms.

Access to Sensitive Data

Travel organizations can make tweaked and significant offers and proposals by concentrating on customers’ social-segment attributes and past web-based conduct. Booking.com, for example, empowers clients to book lodgings, resorts, and staycation facilities at a particular objective. Since the pandemic, a lot of stores have adopted technology to scan faces for temperature checks. Similarly, we can use these tools to see whether a certain mood affects the order of a customer. For example, at a coffee shop, with the help of a quick scan we can determine the customer entered is a young student who looks tired, hence they might need an espresso shot and would prefer a more isolated seating. This capability would help banks gain better clarity on their customers’ spending patterns via IoT-enabled devices.

For example, you can predict that you are going on vacation at the beginning of January and can not decide where to go – Miami or Los Angeles. The IoB will use this data to provide you with the most accurate advertisement on those destinations on specific dates. Uses Search Engine Optimisation to market its final products/services to the relevant user. Since this research uses Machine Learning, overtime with alot of data, it creates a perfect funnel. This can redirect any customer with their own interests to relevant products without much or any human interaction. Internet of Behaviors is a branch of Internet of Things and an area in R&D .


While a majority of consumers indicate unhappiness at giving away their data “for free”, many are satisfied with doing so as long as it brings them an added value. A single device, like a smart phone, can track your online movements as well as your real-life geographic position. It’s not difficult for companies to link your smart phone with your laptop, your in-home voice assistant, your house or car cameras, and maybe your cell phone records . Suddenly, companies can know a lot more about you—your interests, dislikes, the way you vote, and the way you purchase. CEO atAscendle— building innovative web and mobile apps for the world’s leading companies.

Benefits of IoT in Banking in 2023

At Intellectual Point you get this breadth of experience that was a … It is also important to mention that IoB has ethical implications depending on the goals of using it. That is why privacy laws have a significant impact on the adoption and scale of the IoB. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss the privacy and security concerns of IoB implementation more in detail. With every great technology, comes its own set of unique problems. Of course since Internet of Behavior is a subset of IoT, the problems are quite similar.

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Advanced data encryption techniques are used in these systems, which ensure that sensitive information remains secure at all times while still allowing access only when necessary. For example, wearable smart devices are some of the most prolific and visible components of the IoT. Your smartwatch knows the weather, your calendar and how many steps you take on a given day. With software that enables the IoB, your smartwatch could integrate all three of these datasets in real time to help maximize your schedule; if rain is forecasted for 1 p.m.

You can have a better understanding of where your customer is shopping. In short, the Internet of Behavior is here to generate a significant boost in the sales industry development. But despite all the convenience and benefits of using IoB, this trend will raise many questions, including those related to security.

Gartner also says that unless IoB initiatives are designed to provide consumers with added value, the entire concept risks rejection. Concerns about privacy and the possible invasiveness of an IoB have been raised in some circles and will likely need to be addressed in order for it to be embraced on a larger scale. Enhanced security and privacy protection are other advantages of using IoB for human behavior monitoring, control and modeling.

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